About the hub.

Health and Safety Hub is an online resource-sharing initiative between Thames Water and its partners, designed as a one stop shop for all health and safety material.

It aims to promote best practice in health and safety and also spreads lessons learnt across all partners, supporting the drive towards the three zeros target; zero accidents and zero harm through zero compromise.

Our vision is to send everyone who works for and with us - home safer and healthier than when they came to work, having a positive effect on both their working and home lives, and ensuring the safety of everyone else who may be affected by our work.

Hub contents

The Hub has a range key resources to help keep you connected to the documents and information that you need. If you're missing something, please contact us.


Warnings about specific risks, and how to minimise them. Send us your alerts and they will be published on this page. Go to Alerts.

Best practice

A range of documents, videos and other media which you can use to promote best practice in your workplace and on-site.


Essential Standards and the Health, Safety and Wellbeing manual have been added. Go to Key Documents.

Mailing Group

To join our mailing group to keep up to date on all things Health and Safety, Click Here To Request Access.

CDM toolkit

A guide to the CDM process and requirements for Thames Water projects.


Documents from the annual Thames Water Health and Safety conference.


Learn about Thames Water health and safety initiatives.

SkillGuard for Utilities / Thames Water Safety Passport

A guide to what the SkillGuard for Utilities scheme is and explains Thames Water Safety Passport training, and how to obtain both.

Our record is 00 days, or 0 work hours, without a lost-time injury.

View incident history report

Thames Water Safety Passport becomes SkillGuard for Utilities

Falls from height - View the alert

Essential Standards QR Code