Service Avoidance

Anyone who carries out a task that involves breaking ground is at risk of striking a service, and in some cases suffer from physical injury or lasting emotional distresses from the experience, and we want to do everything we can to reduce the potential of this.

We have developed this campaign to raise awareness of the growing concerns, signpost what information is available to you and help to create a discussion with your teams.

Over the past AMP, we have seen a 20% decrease in services being struck. However, in 2021 service strikes are increasing, especially those with the potential to cause harm.

• 2 lost time injury incidents have occurred in the past 6 months from hitting an electrical service. Through investigation of these incidents it has been found that most (if not all), could have been prevented if the basics had been implemented prior to any breaking ground commencing.

• The basic requirements can be found in the HSE guidance - HSG47 and the Thames Water Essential Standards 1 & 27

To reduce the likelihood of another injury which could be significantly worse, we must reduce the services being struck and improve the standards of the teams carrying out any activity that involves working around potential services and breaking ground.

• Service Avoidance Standown pack Jan 2022


• Service Avoidance Maturity Model


• Service avoidance leading / lagging indicator tool


• Service Avoidance target checklist and guidance notes


• HSI 48 - Directional drilling


• HSI 48a - Directional drilling checklist


• Essential Standard 1: Excavations


• Essential Standard 27 : Utility Management


• Lessens Learned Video

Click the image to play the video

• Martin Langford - Service Strike

• Please note, this video is emotional and should be watched or shared with caution

Click the image to play the video

• Learning Bulletin - LV service strike - 16-06-2021


• Learning Bulletin - LV Service Strike and Lost Time Injury 30-11-2021
