Thames Water eTWOSA Application

Hello and welcome to the Thames Water eTWOSA training page. This applications allows our authorised contractors to submit TWOSA requests electronically, and to receive electronic versions of the approved permits.

Below you will find everything you need to understand the eTWOSA application including:

+ Training video and presentation in pdf format

+ Frequently asked questions

+ Access request form

Please find both a video and written instructions below on how to use the eTWOSA app.

Please also read the FAQs opposite. When you request access, there will be a short quiz to complete to confirm your understanding.

How to request an eTWOSA

Once you're happy you understand your role in the process please use the link below to request access.

Click here to request access to eTWOSA application

Please note the application requires Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. When you have completed the access request and had it approved, you will be sent a link.

You should save this link to your Favourites. If you get a message to say you can't access the page, you may need your IT team to mark it as a TRUSTED PAGE.

We would welcome any feedback you have - please send us an email using the below link

Click here to leave feedback

Please email Thames Water Hub Admin for any queries relating to eTWOSA application.

Please find a list of FAQs below.

What is the maximum period a TWOSA can be requested for?

A maximum of 6 months

Have other permits and authorisation been digitised?

Currently our other permits and authorisations will remain paper based but plans are in place to develop these too

How many time can a TWOSA be extended?

A TWOSA can only be extended once.

What notifications will I receive as part of the new TWOSA process?

+ When the TWOSA request signs off Stage 1 and 2 and the request is ready to progress to stage 3
+ When you have an outstanding request that is older than 5 working days
+ Once the TWOSA has been issued
+ Once the TWOSA is about to expire
+ Once the TWOSA has been cancelled

How much notice should contractors be giving the site manager for a TWOSA request?

Ideally 10 working days in advance of your intended start date

How does a new TWOSA requester gain access to the system?

By watching the training video and reading these FAQs before using the request access link

Do TWOSAs still need to be issued face to face?

It is encouraged that face to face sessions continue where they are required e.g. when working with someone new/complex job etc.
Where it is critical for a face to face meeting, you must ensure COVID-19 safety control measures are adhered to.

Will I be able to see TWOSAs for other areas?

Yes, the application allows you to review TWOSAs that have been issued in other regions/business functions

When will the paper based process stop?

A paper TWOSA may still be issued for the following reasons:
+ If a contractor isn't able to access the new digital system
+ In an emergency - these TWOSAs must be added to the system retrospectively
+ In the unlikely even that the eTWOSA application runs into technical errors

Does the new app allow for blanket TWOSAs and offsite TWOSA requests?

Yes, a sub-regional TWOSA can be requested for multiple sites within a sub-region for low risk jobs - please note this request will go to the sub-regional/area manager to sign off though it can be delegated to someone else.
Offsite TWOSAs are also accommodated and can be selected by the contractor when they first begin the request.